Sabtu, 13 November 2010

a tour to Denpasar

denpasar view from kumbasari traditional market

History of Denpasar

Denpasar is primarily a center of the kingdom of Badung, until later in 1958 Denpasar was the seat of government of the province of Bali.

The physical state of Denpasar has been advanced and has the characteristics and nature of urban areas. Currently, Denpasar became the center of government, shopping centers, educational centers, industrial centers and tourist center. Denpasar City consists of four sub-districts, namely West Denpasar District, East Denpasar, South Denpasar and North Denpasar.

Place of popular tourist attractions in Denpasar

Art Centre is a venue for cultural performances and crafts of Bali. Each year, this place held a part of Balinese art that began in mid-June to mid-July. If you were in Bali this month, will be very disappointed if you miss this opportunity. Some attractions that generally performed in art centers such as baris dance, barong dance, theatrical Dance Calonarang, a variety of musical performances such as gamelan or gong and not even rare celebrities from various places held a concert at this place.

Art and crafts from different districts in Bali at the shows in this place which is very attractive to foreign tourists who were vacationing in Bali. Even this place is not rare indeed filled with a crowd of locals who want to see various performances.

Sanur Beach is also a favorite tourist spots in Bali. Sanur Beach itself offers a comfortable and pleasant beach. Various types of tourists have certainly considered the Sanur beach, both the domestic as well as those from international or other countries tourist. Even the locals crowded Sanur Beach every week. They enjoy spending time with their family to swim together, or enjoy a water game such as canoeing and banana boat.

That is not all interesting part from the Sanur Beach, you can also watch the sunrise with a beautiful and clear on this place. This is possible because of the Sanur beach itself faces the east. Slightly different from the other famous beach of the beach in Bali which is generally leads to the west.

But the Sanur Beach’s interesting part is not only that. When the night came, Sanur beach is filled with couples who want a romantic atmosphere. And most of these couples are young couples in the region. But not a few are also in the honeymoon couples who also spend a romantic evening on the side of Sanur beach until sunrise come.

In addition to these sights, Denpasar also has many places that sell all kinds of Balinese local product like Krishna Souvenirs shop, Erlangga Souvenirs shop and many other places to shop that spread in the city of Denpasar.

Culinary in Denpasar

There are several types of food found in the city of Denpasar like Betutu chicken for example, packages of chicken satay, Balinese grilled fish. But the peculiar culinary that already well known is the role of pork and Lawar Bali. But you can also find a variety of other foods such as, for example seafood, Japanese food, and even Korean food.

Some restaurants that are nice and popular to their customers are like restaurant Renon, Restaurant Cianjur, Bumbu Desa, Gubug makan mang engking and bendega Cafe.

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