Kamis, 11 November 2010

find your best spot to enjoy the beach in bali

Sometimes you want to feel something different than usual. Maybe sometimes you want the feeling of sitting directly on the sand, even though there are beach chairs are available for you in most beach in Bali.

For some beaches they have another interesting things that they have for you to offer, such as the sanur beach has a gazebo you can try to feel the beauty of the beach from there to experience something different than usual.

If you are in Germany beach of Tuban,  that is the locals here call it, you can try a more interesting spot in there. On the Germany beach of Tuban, there is a pile of rock that looks like an island like what you see on the picture, it is usually a popular fishing spot for locals. But it would not hurt for you to try sitting on that rock, enjoying the wind and enjoying the natural beach from the shore will deliver something that unusual and an unforgotten memories. Everything is so special, if you're there to see the sun begin to set at the horizon with your lover.

Do not afraid of getting wet because it has a “special road“ to access the site. But if the water is high, the road is very difficult to pass. Local fishermen normally use it only when the water is high because there are many fish that they can catch. Some of the fish are very beautiful and colorful. And you can see it from surface. Or maybe you may as well try to fishing on there.

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