Rabu, 27 April 2011

Santolo Beach ( Pantai Sentolo) ---------- Garut, Indonesia

Santolo Beach, It lies south of the city of Garut, West Java, precisely in the District Cikelet.From Garut city, mileage is 88 km or about 3.5 hours. The way to the beach location are winding, narrow, steep, and through forests, tea gardens, and the abyss. For your lodging business do not worry. Santolo already has a variety of places to stay that cheap for you. Many lodging near the beach so that when night comes you can sleep accompanied by the sound
melodious waves beach.

Santolo beach is not too famous tourist attractions. This is an advantage for those who want to break away from the bustle of the city. If the water is receding, you can see small fish swimming in
around the coast. For those of you who want to spend the night, around the coast there are many lodging for  spent the night.
This beach includes the obligatory sights to visit, because of the beautiful natural beauty. and also the culture and friendliness of its people who make visitors feel at home spending time at the Sentolo beach.

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