Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Instagram, Angin Baru di Dunia Fotografi

Pernahkah anda membayangkan memotret memakai kamera Polaroid SX-70 dengan film Polaroid 600 yang sudah expired untuk mendapatkan efek yang sekarang sangat dikenal dengan Earlybird Filter. Memotret menggunakan kamera Holga dengan film Ektachrome yang kemudian dilakukan Cross-Processed saat memproses film untuk mendapatkan efek Lomo-Fi Filter. Menggunakan Holgaroid dengan film Polaroid 80 Chocolate untuk mendapat efek Sutro Filter. Atau Lomo LC-A+ dengan film Velvia 50 untuk mendapatkan efek X-Pro II Filter.

Bagaimana membawa kamera-kamera lama itu semua ditambah dengan film-film ‘lawas’ dan melakukan hunting foto? Merepotlkan sekali bukan. Namun hal itulah yang terjadi sekarang pada sebuah teknologi Instagram. Hal yang barangkali sangat sulit kita bayangkan pada satu dasawarsa yang lalu. Berbagai macam jenis kamera dan film dalam satu device kecil nan ringan bernama iPhone dengan aplikasi Instagram.

Instagram adalah sebuah aplikasi ponsel iPhone (juga di iPad dan iPod touch) yang bisa melakukan banyak model pemfilteran terhadap foto-foto anda dengan sangat mudah, hanya dengan satu sentuhan jari, sekaligus bisa membaginya kepada teman-teman yang sekarang bernama followers. Begitu menariknya aplikasi yang mampu menghasilkan nostalgia dari foto-foto yang kita punya ini, sehingga dalam 13 bulan saja lebih dari 13 juta orang di dunia menggunakannya dan siap berbagi kehidupannya, lewat gambar, kepada dunia. Sebuah kegairahan yang luar biasa dengan lebih dari 150 juta foto telah di upload dari sejak diluncurkannya aplikasi ini pada 6 Oktober 2010. Barangkali sensasinya hampir sama ketika Eastman Kodak menghadirkan Brownie di tahun 1900-an, yang begitu diminati dan membuat orang awam seketika jatuh cinta dengan fotografi, karena mudah dioperasikan dan tidaklah “terlalu mahal”.

Di tanah air sendiri komunitas pecinta instagram ini mencapai ribuan. Sebagian besar dari mereka sangat aktif dan bergabung ke dalam milis iPhonesia, sebuah nama yang diambil dari (I)device (PHO)tographer indo(NESIA). Ada sekitar 1600 lebih anggota yang tercatat. Selain berbagi informasi, sebagian mereka juga aktif melakukan instameet, sebuah istilah ‘temu darat’ bagi pecinta instagram ini. Baik sekedar ‘nongkrong-nongkrong’ atau melakukan hunting foto. Lebih dari itu iPhonesia juga sangat dikenal oleh ‘intagramers‘ dunia karena keaktifan juga kekompakan mereka.

Instagram bersama iPhone serasa memberikan gairah baru akan kecintaan terhadap fotografi di tanah air. Tengok saja, mereka yang amatir, bahkan tidak mengerti banyak akan fotografi bisa membuat karya yang cukup artistik. Mereka juga begitu produktif dalam menghasilkan foto. Menjadikan memotret dan foto sebagai sesuatu yang menyenangkan sekaligus menghibur.

Bagi mereka yang faham fotografi lebih banyak, kamera ponsel ini benar-benar menjadikan pepatah fotografi lama, ‘The best camera is the one you have with you’ menjadi nyata. Mudah dibawa, mudah dalam pengoperasiannya, dan secara “real time” bisa dipamerkan ke ribuan pemirsa di dunia, baik dengan aplikasi ini atau lewat jejaring sosial lainnya seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Beberapa diantara mereka bahkan membuat project khusus untuk membuat photo story yang kemudian dipamerkan dalam sebum pameran tunggal atau bersama-sama. Jauh dari istilah ‘main-main’.

Begitulah, bagi anda pecinta kamera Lomo/Polaroid sejati atau bagi anda yang merasa belajar fotografi dengan ‘susah-payah’ mungkin akan sedikit mencibir. “Cepat dan pasti”, suka atau tidak, sebuah dunia baru bernama iPhoneography telah lahir. Meramaikan jagad foto digital. Sebuah dunia yang mencakup semua genre fotografi, dari street photography hingga landscape, dimana spontanitas dan pengolahan artistik lewat instagram (atau aplikasi lain) memberikan gaya tersendiri. Nuansa massa lalu, yang mampu dihadirkan kembali dalam keseharian kini.

Semoga gegap gempita ini bukanlah merupakan euforia sesaat semata, akan tetapi benar-benar menjadi angin baru dunia fotografi. Bagian dari gelombang kreatifitas yang terus mencari “batas”.
Sumber :( Zamroni)

Photo by: shutdagizm

Photo by: @matthewvictor

Photo by: @embohpokoke

Catatan: Kredit foto merupakan username Instagram yang digunakan masing-masing pengguna aplikasi ini.

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Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

7 Best WordPress Plugins for every WordPress Blog

Today, we will show you the Top 7 Best WordPress plugins for every WordPress blog user must have use it in order to enhance the quality of website. WordPress is the world leader in the network of blogging platforms and softwares. WordPress is the only software in which a user can have loads of popular plugins. The reason of behind popularity of WordPress is its tremendous ability of providing various useful plugins to its users with simple user interface system. Relying on Top WordPress Hosting Solutions will always fetch your blog to succeed in all terms with High Up time rate, benefits for SEO and many more. Most of the bloggers around the world use WordPress Self-Hosted sites because of their benefits.
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Best Ways to Choose Web Hosting for your Business

Each and every day a new blogger is entering into the blogging world but they don't have enough knowledge to choose the best web hosting service for their business. So we decided to help those folks who really want to improve their business by choosing the best web hosting service. If you really want to best then you need some one of the important things such as you must electronic social media and for that net is the best option according to the present generation. If you really want to expand your business then you need to mix with modern day tradition and for that you need a good website. Therefore, if you are planning to get the best website, then you need the web hosting service that can provide the website according to your requirements. If you are looking for some Small Business Hosting services, then it is suggested for you to opt for baby plans on the various hosting solutions. Because these Small Business Hosting services are capable of handle minimal traffic, reliable uptime and also provides us the services at cheapest prices possible. If you are serious about your business and decided to make it large or to extend your business then it is suggested to opt VPS or Dedicated hosting services.
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Checking Out Web Hosting Performance by Host Tracker

Today, we are going to show you "How to Check Out Web Hosting Performance by Host Tracker ". Before going to see these simple procedure you need to know some important factors about web hosting services. Without a well performing Web Host you can never achieve a good ranking. As a good web hosting technique well performing Web Host is the main base of your website and it will improve your blog performance. There are several facts that depend up on your web hosting service which includes the following things:
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Google Nexus Tablet, Coming Soon!

Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, reveal that the world's largest search engine’s company is planning to launch their first Nexus tablet in the next six months. This step is expected to tighten the competition between Google and Apple in the tablet market. According to a report published by IDC, Apple with its iPad devices still dominates the tablet market. Commencing in the third quarter, the iPad's market share has reached 61.5%, while the Android-based tablet with a 32.4% rate.

Specification of features that will be embedded in the tablet has not been announced by Google, and so as the device name. Is this tablet will be stamped with the brand Nexus or by any other name? Which hardware manufacturers will produce this tablet? Motorola Mobility that has been acquired by Google of course is one of the considered names. However, it is possible that Samsung which already presented two Nexus smartphones will be the main choice of Google.

We have seen the development of the Nexus smartphones that offer excellence Android devices. Starting from HTC Nexus One that shows its advantages in speed of the processor, Samsung Nexus S which introduced the Gingerbread along with NFC technology, and now comes the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is the first smartphone Ice Cream Sandwich in the world.
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Daniel Craig "Skyfall", Next James Bond Movie

"Daniel Craig is the dream of all filmmakers! No stars are working as serious as him in every Bond film production! " This statement come out from the mouth of Michael G. Wilson, producer of the last 13 Bond films. That is the reason for signing Craig Wilson for the next five Bond films.

Compliments were given relating to the process of making the 23th Bond films, Skyfall. Wilson saw that Craig has the qualities that other Bond actor didn’t have. It makes Wilson wants Craig for the next Bond projects. Is Craig would approve this offer? Craig had stated that he would be willing to portray the character of James Bond while he was still able to do it physically and if the film has a high quality storyline.

If Craig accept this offer, meaning he would beat the record held by Roger Moore, who has starred in seven Bond films.

Currently, Craig was shooting for the latest Bond movie releases next year's, Skyfall. This is Craig's third role as James Bond after Casino Royale (2006) and Quantum of Solace (2008).
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Nintendo Wii-U: 10 Facts You Need to Know

All the rumors and information circulating in the internet about Nintendo Wii-U give pretty rich information about what this handheld capable of. Here are 10 facts about the console:
  1. Nintendo Wii-U will play games in 1080p resolution
  2. This console will come with visualization capabilities, gameplay, and the type of game that is really new.
  3. You can use old Wii peripherals on your Wii-U
  4. You can play Wii games on the Wii-U!
  5. Nintendo retains a large controller with a screen that was shown at E3 2011. Console and the controller are able to share information and content.
  6. Touch screen on the Wii-U controller function with a single-touch mechanism, not multi-touch.
  7. This controller will be strengthened with the accelerometer function.
  8. It has a more robust capability than the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3
  9. Using a technology similar to technology used by a super computer.
  10. There is no 3D functionality.

Games for Nintendo Wii-U
Darksiders 2, Tekken, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online, Dirt, Aliens Colonial Marines, Metro Last Light, Ninja Gaiden 3, Assassin; s Creed, and Batman: Arkham City.

Available Date
Nintendo will release a Nintendo Wii-U fixed in 2012, as promised.
Is the Nintendo Wii-U will be able to look stunning? If you are a gamer who feel interested in buying this handheld after reading some of the facts above, it is possible that it will succeed.

No one can deny that Nintendo is one of the oldest and largest companies in the gaming industry today. The ability of these companies continues to innovate, both in terms of hardware or software often makes it appear to dominate the competition, especially in the Japanese market. However, there is a drops of Nintendo popularity lately. Nintendo 3DS is not too successful and Nintendo Wii-U is not really happening (yet).

Not surprisingly, most gamers do not really care or think Wii-U attractive. Because gamers do not fed with enough information about this brand-new device.
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